Featured Athlete: Pam Talley

Prior to motherhood, Pam enjoyed touring on her bike with her husband and friends. A former dancer and bodybuilder, Pam has always placed high value on keeping active and in shape. But after childbirth, cycling took a back seat for a long time.

In 2015, Pam decided to get back to riding. She purchased a road bike, had an Optimal Fit performed by Bart, and dove into the local cycling scene headfirst. Learning to handle the bike took a lot of practice. At first, it was a big challenge. And though a fear of crashing continues to cross her mind from time-to-time, Pam has gained confidence and skill. Using a mirror and lights, wearing bright clothes, using bike lanes, and proceeding with caution in traffic are safety tips she practices when cycling around town and on less-traveled roads.

Pam credits her competitive nature (competitive with herself more than anything) as a large reason for her persistence and desire to improve. She also enjoys the social aspect of cycling and the friends she has made through regular attendance at Tuesday/Thursday morning indoor cycling classes and the assortment of Bowen cycling camps she attends throughout the year. A few years ago, when attending our spring camp in California, Pam described herself as one of the slower riders. Last year, Pam proudly rode at the front of the pack. Although she used to think of an athlete as someone who necessarily competes against others, Pam is now rethinking that definition.